The only app you need for mobile productivity, low cost international calls & compliance

In the ever-evolving mobile world, use of personal devices in a work setting is now a reality. And whatever BYOD/COPE rules and regulations are set in place, leakage and mis-use (accidental or otherwise) can’t always be prevented. That’s why VCTALK-SAFE is such a valuable tool for companies who want to improve their communications’ efficiencies, protect their employees’ privacy and adhere to ever-more stringent regulatory requirements.

Text messaging and mobile chat apps are fast becoming the tool of choice among employees because they are easy to use instant, and widespread – ensuring faster response than an email.
The enterprise-grade messaging platform for iOS & Android
Administrator tools provide a full audit trail
Increase Team collaboration
Compliant with industry regulations such as MiFID II, Dodd-Frank, and GDPR
Segregates work from personal communications automatically
Deploy globally with one App / One Compliance Policy
Your own Company Branded Chat-Safe solution enhances trust & loyalty
Direct secure communication with your clients
Cementing great brand relationships with customers is the holy grail for most businesses

Captured, Encrypted and Branded